pimpinan departemen bahasa Inggris
- pimpinan: chairman of; conduit; guidance; leadership;
- departemen: departement; department; departments; section;
- pimpinan: chairman of; conduit; guidance; leadership; might; counselling; direction; counseling; counsel; authority; traditional leader; elders; management; power; leading; leaders; clan leader; leader; drivi
- It was just a stupid argument with this department chair.
Hanya argumen konyol dengan pimpinan departemen. - According to TASS, according to the results of two tests, the combat effectiveness of the S-400 by the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the PRC was highly appreciated.
Menurut TASS, menurut hasil dua tes, efektivitas tempur S-400 oleh pimpinan Departemen Pertahanan RRC sangat dihargai. - The minister works with the heads of ministries and other government agencies and develops and implements strategic planning for the management of national resources for defense purposes.
Menteri bekerjasama dengan pimpinan departemen dan instansi pemerintah lainnya serta menyusun dan melaksanakan perencanaan strategis pengelolaan sumber daya nasional untuk kepentingan pertahanan. - On 29 October 2012, Apple announced that Ive would "provide leadership and direction for Human Interface (HI) across the company in addition to his role as the leader of Industrial Design."
Pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2012, Apple mengumumkan bahwa "Jony Ive akan memimpin dan mengarahkan tim antarmuka manusia di seluruh perusahaan ini sekaligus menjadi pimpinan departemen desain industri." - Truman and Acheson discussed a U.S. invasion response and agreed that the United States was obligated to act, paralleling the North Korean invasion with Adolf Hitler's aggressions in the 1930s, with the conclusion being that the mistake of appeasement must not be repeated.
Truman dan Acheson mendiskusikan sebuah serangan balasan sebagai respon yang akan diambil AS dengan pimpinan departemen pertahanan, yang setuju bahwa Amerika Serikat harus mengusir agresi militer, lalu menghubungkannya dengan agresi Adolf Hitler pada tahun 1930 (yang ketika itu didiamkan AS).